10 Top Tips For Moving Home
Posted by Christophe Meunier on
Tip 1: Choose a removals company early
It may be difficult to schedule a move date depending on when you are moving. People tend to move on weekends, during bank holidays, or over holidays. This gives them more time. Plan ahead and don't be caught off guard.
Although it might seem simple compared to the many other options you have made, it is important to choose professionals when selecting a removals company. The company you choose will affect the value of your items. To avoid any damage or extra charges, do your research.
Tip 2 - Make a list
Sometimes it can seem like you have too many things to do in the lead up to your move. But, life goes on and so does your moving plan.
Avoid stress by making a list of all the things you need to do and putting together a timeline. Even though your offer was accepted, it may still be months away from completion. You don't have to wait for the move to be complete before you start planning.
Tip 3 - Declutter in advance
It can help you save time, stress, and money by clearing out your home of unwanted or unneeded items prior to your move.
You can reduce the number of items you have to move by donating, recycling, or throwing away what you don't use. You will save time and money by reducing the amount of stuff you have.
It's easy to save money when moving. You don't need to pay for transport of things you won’t use once you get to your new home.
Tip 4 - Make a packing list - and get started early
It takes longer to pack than you might think. This is why it is important to get started as soon as possible. Once you have cleared out everything, it's best to begin packing the rooms that you use most often.
Make sure you have your packing supplies ready to go!
You can make your life easier by packing up the rooms and using them as storage for boxes of stuff.
It's easy to summarize the contents of boxes when labelling them, such as 'kitchen stuff'. But that might not be helpful when you have to prioritize unpacking.
You can label the box with the area you want it to go in in your new house and then bullet point some of the items inside so you are aware what they contain. We'll be grateful that you didn't have to open 15 boxes marked "kitchen" to find the one with plates!
Don't overpack your boxes! Although it's tempting to stuff them full, try not to overpack your boxes. You run the risk of your box breaking apart, causing injury to anyone who is carrying it and possibly damaging your stuff.
Tip 5: Be aware of what you cannot move
Some things are not allowed to be transported by removal teams. These items include hazardous materials, plants with soil, paint tins, and chemicals. Don't feel that everything must go. Pots of paint are often donated to charities.
If you are unable to bear to leave your plants behind you might want to remove most of the soil, place the plant in a plastic pot, and then transport it in your car.
Safety is important for both your removals crew and you. This goes beyond the weight of the boxes, but also the items that you are moving. Make sure you clean and pack garden equipment properly before packing it. Before you can transport large gardening equipment such as lawnmowers and petrol-powered tools, it needs to be empty and cleaned. Wrap knives carefully before packing them and make sure to note the contents of the boxes.
Ask your removals staff if you aren't sure what you can transport. You may be able to get an additional service that will allow them to package more complicated items.
Tip 6: Dealing With Paperwork
To make it easy to find important documents such as passports and house deeds, insurance papers, and wills, keep them all in one file or box. You should keep it somewhere you won't lose it.
You might also consider creating electronic copies of important documents. This could be done by scanning them and saving them to a USB or cloud storage like Dropbox.
You might consider setting up the Royal Mail's Redirection Service to ensure you get your mail. This will forward your mail from your old address to your new address. This allows you to take a bit more time to review all your memberships, providers, and other information, and update your address as needed without worrying about missing important mail.
Tip 7: Organise utilities
It is easy to forget about taking final meters readings. However, it will make things so much easier. To ensure that you don't lose any notes, you can even take photos with your phone. Register with new broadband providers ahead of time, and remember to include water, gas, and electric.
It's worth calling your provider if you aren't staying with them in your new home.
This will allow you to account for any final bills that you might need.
Remember to update your ID such as your driving license and put yourself on an electoral register at the new property.
Tip 8 - Take the time to clean
It can make a huge difference in your stress levels if you can arrange for some overlap between when you receive the keys to your new house and when you leave your old one. You can assess your new home and clean it before you start moving your furniture in.
Make sure you keep your cleaning supplies separated before you move day to avoid having them all mixed up.
It's important to clean the house before you move in. This will ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises. This allows you to create a snagging checklist as you evaluate the property.
You can arrange for deliveries to be made ahead of time if you have access to your home a few days prior. You can use the space to order white goods or measure for blinds, flooring, or other items.
Tip 9 - Pack a moving-day survival kit
Make sure to have a survival kit. It will include essential items such as toiletries and phone chargers. You will also need water bottles, snacks, and hot beverages to get you through the day and night.
It is essential to have all the necessary supplies at your disposal so that you can get to bed quickly.
Tip 10 - Slow down
It's a huge deal. We know you want to move as quickly as possible. However, it can also be tiring. Set realistic expectations about how much work you can accomplish. It's unlikely that you will be able to pack your entire house in the time it takes.
Keep your moving day survival kit handy. Make sure you have cold drinks, all you need for coffee and tea, as well as snacks to keep you going. Make sure you stop! You won't get bored if you stop for lunch or dinner.
You will need to take some time to unpack everything and make your home look the way you want. Relax and unwind. Enjoy a night out or a meal at a restaurant. You don't have to unpack everything!
Rest assured, your bed will be ready for you when you move in.